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Digital Infrastructure

Shortcuts and guides.

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Access Webmail & Configuration Guides for mobile devices.

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Calendar & Contact

Access Webmail & Configuration Guides for mobile devices

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Chat Apps

Set up and use Alpha Bits Matrix server and login with your email account.

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Workflow Automation

Automate and streamline your business processes for better efficiency.

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File & Photos

Securely store and share files and photos with internal teams.

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Knowledge Base

Document and share your work progress.

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Energy Twin

Monitoring Energy usage of HQ Office and IoT Controls

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AI Humans

Discover and deploy assistant for your specific needs, based on projects and internal processes.

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Social Hub

Collaborate and connect through internal social platform.

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BI Dashboards

Realtime management dashboards, alerts & monitoring performance metrics.

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Staff Portal

Centralized access to HR, payroll, and internal resources.

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Merchant Portal

For our network partners. Work in Progress.